Interface ThirdwebSDKProviderProps<TChains>

Type Parameters

  • TChains extends Chain[]


  • QueryClientProviderProps
    • ThirdwebSDKProviderProps


activeChain?: Chain | number & {} | string & {} | TChains[number]["chainId"] | TChains[number]["slug"]

The network to use for the SDK.

authConfig?: ThirdwebAuthConfig

The configuration used for thirdweb auth usage. Enables users to login to backends with their wallet.

clientId?: string
queryClient?: QueryClient
sdkOptions?: Omit<undefined | {}, "chains">

The SDKOptions | Thirdweb SDK Options to pass to the thirdweb SDK comes with sensible defaults

secretKey?: string
signer?: Signer
storageInterface?: IThirdwebStorage

The storage interface to use with the sdk.

supportedChains?: TChains

Chains to support. If not provided, will default to the chains supported by the SDK.

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